I help people grow their businesses so they can live more and work less.

Growing up I had entrepreneur blood flowing through my veins. I always knew if you had an idea and the willingness to work hard, you could create money out of nothing.
I graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Communication at age 20 and set out to change the world!
In corporate, I ran social media campaigns, SEO, blogs and even managed business development strategy for several high end digital marketing firms in Chicago.
After becoming a mother, I didn’t want to go back to cubicle life. So, I started my own online ventures. After about 4 months, my personal blog exploded. I went viral on Pinterest and I even got picked up by national magazines.
Enter: Entrepreneurship, baby!
I quit my job with two babies, a mortgage, bills and zero savings. But then again I’ve alway been a risk taker.
I began a successful consulting business, started teaching online classes and speaking on stages.
My first year in business (in 2014) I did over $105,000 in sales and I’m now on track to have a million dollar coaching company.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

As an online business & marketing strategist she has assisted hundreds of clients in the creation and growth of their online brand.
With a personal blog that has reached 5.3 Million web visitors (with no advertising) she is an expert in marketing and online based business models. Susie is redefining what’s possible as a work at home mom and CEO of a thriving business.
The self-proclaimed queen of productivity earned a Bachelor degree in Media Communication by the age of 20, held management roles in corporate by the age of 23, and had two kids and a six figure business all by the age of 26.
Quickly turning her experience over the last seven years in sales, digital marketing and lead generation into a profitable business she has helped women and small businesses owners across the globe bring in millions in revenue.