Time, where does it go?
I know that I can be a total crabby witch some days.
If you ask my husband about me and he’ll probably tell you that I’m a brilliant, strong-willed, emotional wreck with a really good heart.
The emotional roller coaster happens.
Maybe, too often…
I keep Dr. Wayne Dyer books on my nightstand and pray for peace, but Lord have mercy when I get upset… I get upset!
Sometimes, the slightest things can set me off and turn me into a cross between Cruella Deville and Regina from Mean Girls.
I guess you’d call it a short temper.
The reality is, I just don’t have the patience for incompetent people, for kids who don’t listen (ahhhh the toddler years!!!) I don’t have the patience for slackers, lazy people or stupid things that are a waste of time.
I’ve been preaching this for a while: life is really short.
For many, it’s too short… People say, “Oh I don’t know where the time goes!”
Well yea, if you’re working 9 hours a day at a job you hate and then come home at night, watch TV and scroll through Facebook until you pass out… Uh … I could see how 10 years pass by and you’re wondering where the time went.
You freaking lost it.
Wasted it.
You screwed up.
You should have listened to your heart darling!
I want to think that you try harder than the zombie type people I mentioned above.
I want you to push further. Do bigger things. Find new solutions. Travel the world. Change lives! Live your dream life. Build a business that makes a difference. Be remembered! Be remarkable!
It starts now!
And yeah, we are all a little screwed up in our own way. But that shouldn’t stop you from striving for more and better.
My mama used to sing me a song that goes like this: “I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine there’s gonna be a little rain sometimes.”
Don’t buy into perfection…
Nobody’s got rose gardens all the time honey. It doesn’t exist.
So go do your life’s work now! You were made for greatness!
Let me push you to make the best out of your time. Join me one on one for my coaching program. Learn more here.