I’m a mother.

People who don’t have kids think they know what it’s like. But they don’t know.

My life is about hard work and sacrifice, it’s about living to make an impact, it’s about standing for something, it’s about wiping snot and poopy diapers all day long. My life is about serving others and escaping here and there for “me time”.

I made this video around the time of the new year. But I want you to watch it anytime of the year. Setting goals in your life should always be done mind and soul together…as one.

As I sit here typing, my kids are fast asleep. My dishes are a mess, my laundry is piled up. But I spent a good part of the day snuggling with my kids. I spent hours rolling around my living room with my kids, playing with little foam letters, singing ABC’s and allowing my 2 year old to put imaginary medicine in my mouth.

I am beyond blessed. But, I stay up late typing and working… Why? I have these hopes of giving other women what I have. A free and fulfilled life. A life where you can be home, spend time with loved ones, do work that lights up your heart….and also fulfill your needs for challenge, fun and fulfillment through a business or career.

What are your goals? People, life doesn’t go on forever. We know this!

[Tweet “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is that best tool to make the big choices in life -Steve Jobs”]

How are you living, showing up in your kids’ lives, impacting the lives of those around you? Get in touch.

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