Lessons on business and life from my family.
There are four kids in my family and I’m the third child.
My younger brother was born with a hole in his heart.
As he grew up, a tissue began to develop around a portion of his heart. When he was a teen, the doctors said this condition was very dangerous. His heart could basically stop at any random moment. Walking up the stairs… Playing soccer. Any moment.
Can you imagine getting that news?
Or being a parent and getting this news about your child?
My parents opted to go forward with Peter’s open heart surgery. By the grace of God and amazing doctors, he is healthy, alive and well!
The lesson that I take with me daily is this:
Life is incredibly precious and short.
I ask myself:
Am I spending my moments in ways that are meaningful? Am I serving my family and others and living with FULL zest, and ALIVENESS?
I can honestly, most days I do!
And I have quite a knack for inspiring others to TAKE ACTION too!
What in world are you waiting for? And what makes you think you have so much TIME?
Sure, not everyday is perfect. I lose my temper some days. I’m overly emotional. I get down on myself. I can be selfish.
But I am also proud of my messy-beautiful life.
I make the decision to take risks daily and live like there really is no tomorrow. Living like this has changed everything.
- I married the man I love right away!
- We had two kids back to back, because we knew we wanted a family!
- Started my dream business that reached $10K per month!
- Soak up moments with my kids, personal free time and date nights!
- I travel and collect memories — not TVs.
Life doesn’t have to be complicated. You just need to take action and stop listening to “society’s script” for you.
When people tell me, “Time flies”… I always laugh and think, “No it doesn’t”.
Time is right here. Right now. You got it, babe!
It’s called the present moment. In fact, I’m planning to go enjoy the day right after I send this email. I think I’ll drive down to a hidden little gem of a cafe on a lake nearby and just read and write.
Stop waiting around to start the business, the family, the relationships, the lifestyle.
Go forward.
You are capable and your dreams are worth it.
If you have a talent, a dream, a business in your heart…Make it happen.
No more excuses.