Once upon a time, I started my blog StayAtHomeSusie.com in 2012. I wasn’t really clear on what I wanted to do with my brand or my mission it was like more of a hobby than a business. It was time to uplevel.

I wanted to see the possibilities and potentials of this laptop lifestyle, but I wasn’t really navigating my ship.

Instead of being the captain of my ship, instead it was more like I was riding a cruise ship to just kind of see where it could end up… and what kind of opportunities might or might not happen. This is a very passive approach, it’s a lazy approach to business. In the end, just floating around and trying to imagine what you can build is not a key to building income.

As I developed my professionalism, my business and lifestyle goals… clarity has been a big key.

But, clarity isn’t always tied to implementation. Let me say that again, clarity doesn’t always mean implementation. That’s where having a coach or mentor is extremely important.

I decided to hire a business coach this year and oh my goodness has it made a difference! Not only do I have ideas, but I’m implementing new offerings that are extremely beneficial to all parties involved. It’s win-win for me and my clients. In one week I closed out $5200 in business.  One week!

So, for those of you who ask is it really possible to make money doing what I love? In one word: Yes!

In two words: Heck yes!

The fastest way to get there is to uplevel yourself. Surround yourself by people who are doing what you want to be doing. Surround yourself by people who are your role models.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

Two heads are better the one than one. Hiring a captain to help navigate your ship might just be the key to getting you from a couple dollars here and there to actually earning full-time income on your laptop with your dream business.

It’s really amazing the difference that having a support system or coach can do for you.

Check out this video about how to uplevel and tell me in the comments have you experienced up-leveling in your business or life?



Want to take your income to the next level? Get in touch for 1:1 coaching with Susie.



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